July 19, 2021

Singer/Songwriter Victoria Montgomery | Pittsburgh Creative Branding Photographer

Small Biz Photography, Creative Practices, Pittsburgh Creatives, Music Photography

Today. Is the first day back in the office for me. The first commute in over a year! I moved into a new office. I have a window! It felt fun and refreshing, but boy, do I know that novelty will fade fast. 

Soooo. Let’s talk about this super fun session with Victoria Montgomery!

Victoria is a singer/songwriter from the Pittsburgh area and I was so delighted when she asked me to work on her album photography for her EP A Song for You! I was even more delighted when I listened to her EP! What a sweet, soulful voice, and her songwriting is so beautiful.

I feel like I clicked with Victoria pretty much instantly. We had a lot of similar interests in music and other stuff. She is kind and friendly. And had a lot of great ideas about where and how we should shoot. We chatted about her songwriting process and her journey to become a songwriter. She talked about the Pittsburgh Songwriters Circle and how much she learned from the other songwriters in the group.

But gets even cooler. After our session, and her EP A Song for You was released, a newspaper ran this article about Victoria. I was completely amazed to learn from the article that she, too, grew up with Rush fan parents!! and we BOTH attended Rush concerts when we were six years old. (Different tours, as we were not six years old at the same time)(I however, stayed awake to the very end! Ha ha!) How did we manage to miss talking about this amazing coincidence! I was so excited, I sent the article to my mom!

I remember wearing my adult sized Rush tour tee shirt to school the next day and feeling SO DARN COOL. The first of many times that I would be cool to no one but myself. ;) Anyway, I’ve been a die hard Rush fan for the majority of my life. They are and will always be my #1 favorite band. I feel that so much of my personal ethos and sensibilities as an adult were influenced by Rush’s music. It was such a cool thing to learn we had in common! 

You can check out Victoria’s music in all these places!

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5MOtebARiiPz6jiz9C0Hcq?highlight=spotify:track:3yRKg8njaq8OViv5GPZkxB 

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBJVLYXdP7748LxYDezd9gA/featured 

Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/au/album/a-song-for-you-ep/1570833138 

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/victoria-montgomery-1 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vmontgomerymusic/ 

Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/albums/B096MSN2NC?
